Friday, 6 August 2010

2nd day at Assembly

Friday today and I had lots to do. On the field ground that is, throwing CDs and diskettes. My throws were ok, around the mark of my previous records but I'm not sure I'll get a prize... competition is getting stronger!

I've been involved in the 4k and 64k jury, which means that I have seen already all of these productions. I'm not going to spoil it for you, however:
  • There is at least one production that will capture your imagination. Guaranteed.
  • I was disappointed by the productions of two groups with famous names; one was going like slideshow, the other had very questionable design
  • There are *a lot* of productions this year on both platforms. The session is going to take a long time to finish

Other than that, I had a very pleasant afternoon on the new boozembly hills. Spoke to many heros of the modern and not so modern scene and finally said a hello to Zden in person.

I gave my lecture which I thought was ok (the audience was probably a bit disinterested, or maybe they were just reserved or tired). Many thanks to my lovely wife for giving me her yoga mat... I had a lovely sleep!

Tomorrow is the big day. But now there is nothing else we can do, production already submitted.


  1. Thanks for your presentation. It was interesting to watch, and nice to see how experienced programmers always seem to find more of these "less is more" (or KISS) type of solutions.

    And Finns tend to be a bit shy of asking questions etc. - so don't worry, you were easy to follow and the presentation went very well.

  2. Navis, that was an incredible deconstruction of your whole demoscene career!. So great!. Congratulations

  3. You rock, baby:) We watched the compo here and even Catherine was blown away. Will be checking out the results tomorrow.

  4. Navis... no words

  5. Sometimes, lack of questions at the end means it went really well. The audience is thinking about what you've told them, and you've already answered their questions :) If there's too many questions it can mean the audience is still a bit confused about what you're telling them.

